
“We cannot buy clean air in a bottle, but cities can adopt measures that will clean the air and save the lives of their people” says the World Health Organization (WHO).

WHO has recently declared certain air pollutants, particularly PM2.5, as potentially cancer-causing. Outdoor sources of urban air pollutants include industry, vehicles and biomass fires (haze). Indoor sources include activities such as cooking, and cleaning as well as from pets and smoking.

PM2.5 is a key component of urban smog in cities throughout the world, and can cause short term coughing, wheezing and eye irritation. WHO says that 1 in 8 deaths globally is linked to air pollution, making it “the world’s largest single environmental health risk”. Nearly six million deaths are in South East Asia and the Western Pacific region alone, and WHO links poor air quality to heart disease, respiratory problems, and even cancer.

AiRazor devices work to minimize the risk of indoor air pollution, especially PM2.5, in our homes, schools, and the working environment. In fact, our systems are designed to work down to 0.3 microns – almost 10 times smaller than 2.5 microns. Our products are also designed to suppress volatile organic compounds (VOCs), as well as microbes. AiRazor products offer great value for money, and are as effective, if not better, than expensive air purifiers.



不久前,世界卫生组织宣布某些空气污染物,尤其是PM2.5,具有致癌性。室外城市空气污染源包括工业生产,汽车尾气以及 生物质火灾(烟霾)。室内的污染源包括烹饪,打扫,宠物以及抽烟等活动。

PM2.5是全球各城市中烟霾的主要成分,短期接触便会引发咳嗽,哮喘和 眼睛刺痛。世界卫生组织指出全球有八分之一的死亡与空气污染相关,使得空气污染成为“全球最大的环境健康危机”。仅在东南亚和西太平洋地区就造成了近六百万人死亡。世界卫生组织同时也指出心脏病,呼吸系统疾病,甚至是癌症的产生都与空气质量不好有关系。

空尘计产品能将我们家中,学校,办公室的室内空气污染尤其是PM2.5的危害降到最低。 事实上,我们的产品设计使得它能去除小到只有0.3微米的颗粒 – 比2.5微米小了近10倍。我们的产品还能抑制空气中的挥发性有机物和微生物。 空尘计产品比其他昂贵的空气净化器更有效,让您绝对物超所值